National Employee Appreciation Day 2023 is right around the corner—why should you care? While the desire for better pay is one of several powerful motivators that compel workers to quit, 79% of employees cite a lack of appreciation as the number one cause.
Let that sink in.
In today’s market, organizations across industries should be compelled to express recognition and value to their employees in meaningful ways. Exploring paths to celebrate Employee Appreciation Day is important to develop connections with your employees, communicate your appreciation and energize collaboration within your organization. Simply put, this day of appreciation should be on every HR calendar—a great opportunity that organizations don’t want to miss.
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." —Maya Angelou
What is Employee Appreciation Day?
Employee Appreciation Day is an official holiday created in 1999 to remind employers to thank their employees when they do good work, strengthening the bond between employers and their employees. While Employee Appreciation Day continues to gain in adoption throughout the world, it is more widely recognized by companies in the United States and Canada. It has evolved over the years to serve as an opportunity for company leadership, departments, teams and peers to showcase their gratitude for one another.
When is Employee Appreciation Day?
National Employee Appreciation Day occurs on the first Friday of March, and companies choose to celebrate on the day or throughout the entire week leading up to it. We suggest you think of this celebratory day as the start of something special—a great springboard for fostering a company-wide culture of recognition that enhances the employee experience. The benefits of superior employee experience management are numerous. That’s why it shouldn’t be a question of whether your organization partakes in Employee Appreciation Day—but, rather, how do you plan to celebrate?
79% of employees cite a lack of appreciation as the number one motivator that compels them to quit.
The workplace outcomes of consistent appreciation are well documented, and companies with a strategic approach to employee recognition experience significant benefits that include an increase in employee retention. A strategic approach that is not only celebrated during Employee Appreciation week or day, but also celebrated 365 days a year will build a culture of recognition.
Looking to engage employees and enrich culture through recognition and gratitude? At Augeo, we take a 365-day approach to employee engagement. Let’s connect to discuss Employee Appreciation Day ideas for your company—and explore how best to extend your momentum beyond Employee Appreciation Day through our proven employee engagement strategies, event experiences and enterprise-level employee engagement platform.
For more insights on employee recognition and engagement, download our complimentary guide—The Art of Employee Engagement.